Sunday, December 29, 2013

MC2 Post 1769 Learning How to Ride The Rails of the RUBY Express

Ruby on Rails Tutorial
Learn Web Development with Rails
Michael Hartl

This Free Tutorial has been called one of the best for learning a difficult set of 'programs' for Web Development.


Unless otherwise noted, you should use the exact versions of all software used in the tutorial, including Rails itself, if you want the same results. Sometimes minor version differences will yield identical results, but you shouldn’t count on this, especially with respect to Rails versions. The main exception is Ruby itself: 1.9.3 and 2.0.0 are virtually identical for the purposes of this tutorial, so feel free to use either one.

Rails Installer (Windows)

It's Best to Run both Ruby and Rails on an Apple or Linux Machine.  If you must use a Windows Platform, then you can best run Ruby and Rails in a Virtual Machine  (like  Oracle's VM VirtualBox) running almost any recent Distro of Linux.  It plays nicer there.


Learning About Ruby on Rails on Wikipedia, 
the free encyclopedia.


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