Sunday, November 03, 2013

MC2 Post 1733 Don't Look Now But Some ONE Could be 'Sniffing' Your Tires

'Sniffing'  picking up the 32bit address of each of  the 
4 Tires on your Car.

One of the Manufacturers of the Device that are on every US Car since  *September 1, 2007, said it would take thousands of dollars to set up a sensor to monitor these "transmissions". 


Not so.  How about under 70 bucks and a laptop. 

See the Hak5 video with Darren Kitchen in San Diego.


As Johnny Carson used to say:  "I Did Not Know That...."


Background: TPMS AKA Tire-pressure monitoring system

Excerpt:   the  *TREAD Act. The Act mandated the use of a suitable TPMS technology in all light motor vehicles (under 10,000 pounds), to help alert drivers of severe under-inflation events. This act affects all light motor vehicles sold after September 1, 2007.






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